Thursday, September 6, 2007

striped fun

"This entry always takes people by surprise. It's classic stripes, but a playful twist takes the stripes from wall to floor to ceiling. The doors are hidden within the stripes and the there are playful details like a hand used as a doorknob inviting you into the bathroom."— Joseph from Dallas, TX

The busy pattern displayed all over the room combined with a mirrored vanity & lucite items is so playful! Did anyone see this at the Domino Design Contest? This is an entry way to the bathroom my first instinct was that it was a powder room rather. This past weeks I have been remodeling the bathroom and I painted the walls blue and brown with silver stripes at the top. I am not proud of it as I know I will probably tired from it since it's a small space. I set myself a low budget with my objective being to make it as clean, chic, modern as possible. I do not know if I accomplish that. I don't know I might post pictures later as you might noticed I am very self conscious , I still have yet to install the vessel sinks.


momma j lee ♥ said...

Pls post images, i would love to see how it turned out as i'm sure it's fabulicious :)


Romeika said...

Wow, striped walls! I've never pictured a room like that..quite eccentric, i think.

beckie said...

yes you must post pictures! I bet its better than you think it is. Everyone is their own worst critic and if you post pictures I'm sure you'll be showered with deserved praise.

I did stripes in my living room and I must confess I am already tired of it after 6 months. But I am also too lazy to move all our furniture.

girl meets glamour said...

I did just see this on Domino this idea! Yes, post pic of your bathroom, I bet it's fab :)


B.lush said...

Don't be shy, Apples. I love the color combinations already. I've been dying to create a man's study with those colors.

blushing apples said...

thank you! i might just do that! thanks you all for the encouragement!

Siru said...

I'm saying the same as everyone else, want to see the pictures .

And i love the way the doors are hidden

juliet xxx